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Urban Servant Leadership Un-Conference
Saturday, January 26, 2019

8:00 am - 3:00 pm (Light Breakfast & Lunch Provided)

Martin University Gathertorium, 2186 North Sherman Drive

Indianapolis, IN 46218

Energize | Educate | Mobilize and Make a Difference

The Urban Servant Leadership Un-Conference is the fifth in a series of in-depth, knowledge sharing events designed to educate, inspire and empower current and emerging leadership in urban centers of Indianapolis, Indiana. Learn from experienced community organizers how to network, advocate, sustain and grow as a leader in Indianapolis.

The UFC initiative invites the public to join in the recognition and celebration of some of our communities “unsung heroes” working to help improve the Indianapolis community. Seven (7) urban servant leaders will be recognized with one receiving one of two 2019 Urban Servant Leader of the Year awards. The Urban Servant Leadership Awards Reception which will be held on Friday, August 23, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. on the campus of Martin University.

Unite For initiative host bi-annual empowerment events called the “Urban Servant Leadership Un-Conference." The gathering is a series of in-depth, knowledge sharing activities designed to educate, inspire and empower current and emerging leadership in under resourced urban centers of America.

The next Urban Servant Leadership Un-Conference will take place on Saturday, August 25th in Indianapolis, Indiana with check-in beginning at 8 a.m. The initiative has as one of its goals to galvanize the cities for positive and progressive change. This leadership development event brings together qualified and experienced professionals who understand the urban context and are committed to engaging the community to cultivate passionate leadership today.

What is the UN-Conference?

The Unite for Change mission is to identify and coordinate effective resource allocation, stakeholders, institutions, associations and other organizations to address community-wide issues impacting family stability, public health and public safety while providing opportunities for socio-economic mobility.

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